Sunday, September 02, 2012

Control Yourself.

Sometimes we make rash decisions.

"I planned this out, but now that I seen her walk it, this is going to be my gamblers opening!..."

"RC here, FC here..."

"I'm gonna just release here instead!..."

Yes, sometimes these rash decisions may and most certainly can be turning points in our lives.

"Wow, I've been looking at planning gamblers wrong all along."

"Haha, it's certainly unlikely to get from a RC, when my dog is ahead of me, to properly execute a FC, when I should be ahead of the dog."

"Oh my gosh, my dog speeds up, responds to me better, or is even more confident when I am closer to him, opposed to being way to far away."

But other times they can just be little turns or bumps in the road that are regretted.

"Why would I do that? Her dog is completely different the mine!"

"You know what's not fun?! Getting plowed over by your dog.."

"How in the world did I think I was going to get to that FC if I released there?!"

And at all times, with rash decisions we don't think of the consequences.
But really, that is what makes them what they are; rash decisions.

This brings me to the title of this blog post, and whatever went through your brain about it and why it brought you here..
Do we need to control ourselves? Depends on how you look at it.
Yes, I believe that some things are needed and meant to be thought out. But on the other hand, some decisions are awesome spur of the moment things, that change your life.
Either way, you can learn. Just like everything else in life.


This brings me to...
^ link to our runs at a trial, the weekend of nationals, in the good ol' downtown Sals (inside joke with my dad xD)

Long story short, there were a lot of times that weekend where I really just needed to stop, take a breath, and think.
There were many things that weekend that I needed to control. Some of them were consequences others of them could have consequences.
One example is, lately I've really had trouble just sticking to my plan and not watching how others handle certain parts when walking a course.
Which brings me to;
1) the realization that I'm having trouble analyzing.
2) I need to find a way to block out the people around me while walking a course.
Which then brought me to solutions;
1) Now this I have been thinking of a lot before is Greg and Laura Derrett's online course analysis seminar. I did sign up, it started yesterday, and already I've learned so much! (more on this later...)
2) Okay, well this somehow never came to mind.. music! It'll get me pumped, in the zone, and set the tone for our run. Now just to load some good stuff to my iPod and create some playlists!:) (more on this later too...)

This weekend was really great! It was scored the same as regionals/nationals would be, but with runs for Qs!:) So it was super interesting to see how we made out score wise. :) <--- the smily face.. We earned 444 points which is our top score to date! Also got us a 2nd overall which is our best placement at 'Not The Nationals' yet too! wooot wooot! :D
Q wise, the weekend was alright. We just mostly made some stupid mistakes to get us to NQ. Learned some stuff, yay;) No Gamblers Qs, but we did get 2 Jumpers, a Steeple and a Standard (very nice one indeed! did not get it taped though)

Jackpot also did well with socializing, training in my off time, and well being in the trial environment. :) Very pleased with him.  (more on him later too...)

IN CONCLUSION, I will be blogging lots more! I don't know why, but I've been very, lets just say, 'in-consistent' with it.
And with this post, the beginning especially, I've realized that I've missed writing!
Let me know if you like it, or if I should do more stuff like that on here?
Anyway, have a nice night!:)