Saturday, September 17, 2011

Running is Love.

I. love. running. truly.

"If you run, you are a runner. It doesn't matter how fast or how far. It doesn't matter if today is your first day or if you've been running for twenty years. There is no test to pass, no license to earn, no membership card to get. You just run." - John Bingham.

I don't know what I love so much about running, but maybe it's since it's really relaxing for me. It's something I can do myself, and give it my all. I can take a second and just think about anything. It's a time when I can listen to my tunes, and run. It's an amazing feeling for me. It just feels so good. Idk, it's just awesome.

sooooo comfy!

And, the best part is I just got these new shoes.. Reebok Zig Dynamics. They were on sale at Co-op, and I've seen many people with them, running. And, I can tell you this. They. are. comfy. so. so. comfy! Definelty one of the comfiest shoes I have ever tried. I could run miles, and miles in them! Totally recommend them! They are also super awesome for agility! yay!

I think I am going to train for a 1/4 of a marathon.. 10.6 kilometers! I'm going to try to be able to run 10.6k by the end of the year :) I've ran up to 4km so far. I know I can do it ;)

“If you think you can, or you can’t, you’re right.”
- Henry Ford

Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Hello September!

September has begun!
And, so has school!
I can't believe how fast the summer went by, it was such an amazing summer!! Regionals, Nationals, and everything in between, definitively one of our best summers!

Remember how I said I was going to make a video of our training on last Thursday (which both dog were rocking ;)), well I did :)
And, here it is :)

Thursday, September 01, 2011

Il est si Beau!

Beau vraiment est si beau!
Beau @ a trial last spring

Yes, he has been in a trial before (4 to be spespific); although my Mom was running him. She did do a great job with him. But, when he ran in trials, he would run away from her, yes, sometimes he would come back, but we definitely didnt want him to learn that it was okay to do that in a trial. Now I ran him twice in a trial, same thing occured. While my Mom has decided to focus on Obedience and Rally-O with him for the time being, I have continued to work on agility with him. Wow! Now that I look back on it, he has improved so much since last year! Even since June! You can watch some clips from him in June here :)

Yesterday I set up a modified Challenge course (I call it modified because I have to shrink it a bit since my field is not 100x100). He rocked it! I can now say his contacts, weaves, serps, table, and pretty much everything are coming along very, very well. And tugging.. well, that's just super-dee-dooper! Jazz also rocked it, as usual! ;)

Reach for the stars, is really our moto right now. Last year, I would have never thought we would be this far right now. We may not be trialing right now, but he has improved so much and is rocking at practise! I was hoping to have his re-debut (really his debut trial with me :)) this fall, but I think we should get out training in lots and lots of different locations, and also do a couple fun matches before we enter any trials.

Jazz and I are only in one more trial this year, and it's a CKC one! It's hard to believe it's the 1st of September already! The leaves are changing, little by little, and I thought I'd change my background to the wonderful green summer leaves :) We may not all appreciate them, but we should. No trees, no oxygen, no us! Plus, they're just so.. Beautiful. Peaceful. Wonderful.

working on our tighter serps <3
!reach for the stars!

We went out tonight and ran the same Challenge course a couple times, and I got it on video!! (Also took all the pictures that are in this post tonight :)) The course was rocked once again, by Beau! :)

I hope to get our training in the next couple of days on video. I think I'll set up a couple Challenge courses, and some trickier stuff too :)

Today I am thankful for the trees, and for that Beau is working so well for me :) We're having lots of fun together on the field and I'm so glad he is in my life. He has taught me so much, and I'm also thankful for that also :)