Wednesday, July 04, 2012


Okay, so, I haven't posted a lot on here recently.. sorry! I've kinda forgot about this bloggg, but I promise I'll try to post more frequently from now on! :o)

Since my last post was all about the Jazzman, this post will be mostly about the big blue boy! :)

wuv this pic of him so much :') new fb cover photo, yeaah (:

Training with him has been extremely awesome, considering I haven't worked with him in a bit. Mostly working on focus, circle work, etc. with some contacts. He was rocking it. no joke! Yes, his contacts could have a little more speed, but his 2o2o is soooo solid! Loving it! He didn't blow not even one of his contacts! Here, check out a little video I put together with some clips I have from today!
Right here :)
See? Awesome. :)

Speaking of the video, I've decided to try to find a better video editing program. Windows Movie Maker works, but it always SO SLOW and annoying. So I got some suggestions and a couple of free downloads later, have a couple new programs I'm trying out. With this video I was testing out Pinnacle Studios! Love this program. Hopefully I'll tape some more of our training this week and try out the different programs and maybe do a collective review or something. Also pumped to get more videos up :) Since it's summer I have way more time for training and editing and all that good stuff (:

And what's a post without a little Jazz?! :)
Jazz also did very well today. However, I didn't get any clips of him today :( Def tomorrow!

Tomorrow's plan is box work and some weaves :)

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