Saturday, December 31, 2011

Jazz 2011; This could really be a Good Life.


Wow, 2011 went by so fast!

We learned and experienced so many new things in 2011.

I could go on, and on about how amazing and awesome 2011 was! But, I'll try to keep it short.
First, watch this video, right here, and then come back and read this :)

Jazz has improved so much in 2011, its amazing really. We switched from 2on2off contacts to running contacts in May, and I think it was one of the best decisions I made in 2011.

I love his contacts. I'm so happy that I no longer have to worry about him hitting the contact or babysit him on his contacts either. I tell ya, one of my best decisions of 2011 :)

Jazz's weaves became way more confident, and fast. He became fast. Faster than he has been before. He tried his best. He gave 110% all the time.

In 2011, Jazz handled me really well. He listened to me really well, and I know he and I learned so much about each other, and agility :)

We also experienced so many new things in 2011!! We went to our first Regionals, placed 4th in our division, and qualified for Nationals!! We attended our first Nationals; the 2011 AAC Nationals, and had an amazing experience! We ran, and had so much fun!! Definetly the best part of 2011. We also did surprisingly well in placements :) I would have never imagained us doing so well. We placed 5th in a Standard run on Saturday, 5th in a Jumpers run on Sunday, 16th overall, and 2nd place in the Steeplechase Finals!! It was simply amazing.

Along with our Regional, and National accomplishments, we also got 33 Qs and 5 titles in 2011.
25 Qs and 2 titles in AAC, with our Ex.Standard Bronze, MSDC and AGDC :) And, 8 Qs and 2 tiles in CKC, with our Novice JWW, and Novice Standard titles :)

I have to admit, I also improved a lot in 2011. I learned a lot of things like patience, and empathy. I learned how to find the bright side on anything, I became I positive thinker. I also improved a lot as a handler. I learned serps and threadles. I learned how to handle Jazz a lot better. I became a better handler. I became a better trainer.

It was a truly amazingly awesome year. Possibly, the best :)

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Agilité aujourd'hui :)

Parfois, j'aime écrire et tapper en français :)
Sometimes, I enjoy writing and typing in French :)

Agility was amazing today :) As usual ;) But, seriously Jazz was amazing!!
His directionals are coming along really nicely on both the aframe and dogwalk in both directions. He's really getting it, and making his turns tighter now :) His teeter is also getting a little better, weaves I can tell are getting faster, and serps and threadles great too. His lead outs, and table are also super. I think once we work on directionals on all equipment, with all sorts of short sequences after the directional cue, we are going to continue our distance plan. We did do Jess Martin's online distance course, but we didn't get to do week 4 yet, since we are still working on directionals, and we got distracted with some other fun stuff too :) (aka; dogwalk, weaves, teeter:) Once we work through that, I think I'll set up a couple gambles, and go from there :) Can't wait for 2012 :)

Also, finished one of the puzzles I got for Christmas :)

Wednesday, December 28, 2011


One could compare oneself to a puzzle.
Life could be compared to a puzzle.
As you assemble a puzzle, some pieces fit perfectly, while others almost fit, but not quite.
Some pieces may appear that they fit, although later on you find they really don't.
You may lose some pieces, and find them yet again.
The more you look at the pieces, the more you discover and realize the differences, similarities, the details.
The missing pieces, missing information, can make you confused.
You reach many points of frustration.
At times, you just want to give up.
You make decisions, work through the frustrations, the confusion.
You feel at peace again.
At many points you realize that the puzzle is not complete yet, and you can't wait to see how it turns out.
But, in another way, you don't want to finish it.
Because you realize how fun it is, to play this game.


Today I began to construct one of the 750 piece puzzles I got for Christmas.
It got me thinking. Not just about the above, but I think it was also good for my mind.

Today and last night, it rained, and rained. No more snow :) I am glad we had it just in time for Christmas, and I kinda hope we don't have a lot of snow the rest of the winter.
Because, I love agility outside :)
Although, I do hear that were getting more snow this weekend. Oh well..
On the bright side, I'll have at least two more days of outside agility this week :)
And, hey, it's December 28th! Who would have thought we wouldn't have snow or still have snow now?! It's almost January.
That reminds me, it's almost 2012!! YAY :)

cute pic of the gingerbread house my brother and I made on Christmas eve :)
Also, hipstamatic = awesome app! Love it :)

Friday, December 23, 2011

Christmas vacation, and SNOW!! *

Christmas vacation has officially began :)
No school for two weeks, YAY! :)

And, (hence the penguins)

 S         N         O        W!!
┊  ┊  ┊  ┊
┊  ┊  ┊   *
┊  ┊   *
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It's been snowing all day!!!!
So, we will have a white Christmas after all :)

Season's Greetings!


If you haven't noticed already, the appearance of this blog has changed! :)

I figured out how to insert a banner, and voila!

I was thinking of putting this cutie of a pic, but then I thought I should put Beau and myself also, along with the name of the blog, and description :) 

So, I came up with this..

Personally, I love it :)

Thursday, December 22, 2011

It's not a dogwalk, it's a dogrun!

Luckily, school was cancelled today :)
I guess we got some freezing rain overnight and in the early morning. We also got a couple centimeters of snow, although most of it has melted due to the rain.

snow two years ago

I hope it does snow before Christmas. I love white Christmases :)

haha, I remember making this fellow last year

Only 3 more days till Christmas!! And, 1/2 day left of school (tomorrow) :)

And, what's a day off school without some agility? :)
Snazz Jazz and I went out earlier this morning, and to my surprise the dogwalk nor the aframe were covered in ice or snow! No ice or snow = safe to play :)
We haven't been able to use either in a while due to ice and snow on them, so it was a very exciting moment when I seen they were clean :) And, of course, Jazzer did amazing! His dogwalk has come along so well lately!! He is running full blast and hitting the yellow 99% of the time :)

Oh, and I changed the layout of the blog. I like to change it up every once in a while :)

And, while I was looking through some older pics, I found this one from 2008!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Training, and awesomeness of sorts.

Agility training was really good today. Jazz's directionals are coming along very nicely. As are proofing and rear crossing the weaves :)

I made my first MEP on the weekend. You can check it out here. It's only 5 seconds, watch it :) It was actually really fun making it, and considering it was my first one, and that I'm not that good at editing, I thought it turned out just fine.

Today I also realized that the premium is now out for one my my fav agility trials of the year!! ^^
It's the only trial in the area that ever has 2 rings, and three days :)
And, guess what?! It has 6 Masters Gamblers!! :D In our area it's hard to find trials with 2! Jazzy and I only need 4 for our ATChC and Bronze titles :) 
It's in March, so it'll be our first trial of 2012. YAY!! YAY!! YAYYY!!!!!
I'm actually really excited for 2012, and to see what 2012 will bring :)

Also, only 5 days left till Christmas :) 

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Remember me?

Yea, I know I've fallen behind in blogging... it's been a little more than 3 months since my last post!
I do hope to continue posting in this blog, I've just kinda forgot about it lately...

Anyways, it's December!! :)

We did have some snow near the end of October, and some other times too, I think. It did all melt. Meaning, we are still able to do agility outside :) 

These pictures are actually all from that time in October :)

Jazzy loves the snow :)

We had our last trial of the year, at the beginning of October. 8/8 for the amazing Jazz :) He absolutely rocked it, and you can read more in the down bar of this video :) Click Here :)

Since then we've worked on lots of things. We did Jess Martin's online Distance Course, and I can say it helped Jazz and I bunches, and bunches!! So much improvement! :D We've also improved in so many other things since that trial in October! I can't wait to see what 2012 brings :)

Oooh, and I made, well, in the progress of making a look back at 2011 video of Jazz and I :)

That's about it for now, but expect more posts in the near future :)