Saturday, December 31, 2011

Jazz 2011; This could really be a Good Life.


Wow, 2011 went by so fast!

We learned and experienced so many new things in 2011.

I could go on, and on about how amazing and awesome 2011 was! But, I'll try to keep it short.
First, watch this video, right here, and then come back and read this :)

Jazz has improved so much in 2011, its amazing really. We switched from 2on2off contacts to running contacts in May, and I think it was one of the best decisions I made in 2011.

I love his contacts. I'm so happy that I no longer have to worry about him hitting the contact or babysit him on his contacts either. I tell ya, one of my best decisions of 2011 :)

Jazz's weaves became way more confident, and fast. He became fast. Faster than he has been before. He tried his best. He gave 110% all the time.

In 2011, Jazz handled me really well. He listened to me really well, and I know he and I learned so much about each other, and agility :)

We also experienced so many new things in 2011!! We went to our first Regionals, placed 4th in our division, and qualified for Nationals!! We attended our first Nationals; the 2011 AAC Nationals, and had an amazing experience! We ran, and had so much fun!! Definetly the best part of 2011. We also did surprisingly well in placements :) I would have never imagained us doing so well. We placed 5th in a Standard run on Saturday, 5th in a Jumpers run on Sunday, 16th overall, and 2nd place in the Steeplechase Finals!! It was simply amazing.

Along with our Regional, and National accomplishments, we also got 33 Qs and 5 titles in 2011.
25 Qs and 2 titles in AAC, with our Ex.Standard Bronze, MSDC and AGDC :) And, 8 Qs and 2 tiles in CKC, with our Novice JWW, and Novice Standard titles :)

I have to admit, I also improved a lot in 2011. I learned a lot of things like patience, and empathy. I learned how to find the bright side on anything, I became I positive thinker. I also improved a lot as a handler. I learned serps and threadles. I learned how to handle Jazz a lot better. I became a better handler. I became a better trainer.

It was a truly amazingly awesome year. Possibly, the best :)

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