Sunday, December 18, 2011

Remember me?

Yea, I know I've fallen behind in blogging... it's been a little more than 3 months since my last post!
I do hope to continue posting in this blog, I've just kinda forgot about it lately...

Anyways, it's December!! :)

We did have some snow near the end of October, and some other times too, I think. It did all melt. Meaning, we are still able to do agility outside :) 

These pictures are actually all from that time in October :)

Jazzy loves the snow :)

We had our last trial of the year, at the beginning of October. 8/8 for the amazing Jazz :) He absolutely rocked it, and you can read more in the down bar of this video :) Click Here :)

Since then we've worked on lots of things. We did Jess Martin's online Distance Course, and I can say it helped Jazz and I bunches, and bunches!! So much improvement! :D We've also improved in so many other things since that trial in October! I can't wait to see what 2012 brings :)

Oooh, and I made, well, in the progress of making a look back at 2011 video of Jazz and I :)

That's about it for now, but expect more posts in the near future :)

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