Wednesday, August 03, 2011

2011 Nationals Trip: Day 4 :)

Yesterday was day 4 of our trip.. and awesome it was!

 We went to the "Elmvale Jungle Zoo"!!

A grand zoo, it was. Huge with many, many animals. It was so interesting to see the animals; from guinea pigs to lions and giraffes. Speaking of giraffes, we got to feed them! So cool! We also got to feed the monkeys :)

At the end before we left, they had a show. There was a guy (pictured) who would bring out the some of the reptiles and baby animals so that some of the kids come see them. My little brother really enjoyed this part :) There was also a really nice girl (not pictured) who was explaining about each animal that the man brought out. It was actually really neat to hear about all the animals. Yay for an educational experience ;)

and, now for my.. well lets just say.. learning experience ;)

I was just about to walk out the door to play ball with Jazz for a bit,, I leaned my arm up against the door, to push it open. hard to explain..picture below! (the only flaw in the picture is that, the door that pinched me was not a emergency door, just a normal one) right where the arrow is pointing is right where my arm got stuck.. ouchie, ouch!

So, my arm got pinched right in there..
And, it left a huge cut :(
I'm fine, though :)
My arm is now bandaged up, but.. wait before I say the "but" read this quote below:

“I don't accept the maxim 'there's no gain without pain', physical or emotional. I believe it is to develop and grow with joy rather than grief. However, when the pain comes my way, I try to get the most growth out of it." ~Alexa Mc Laughlin

So, the "but" is the following..
I may have got my arm stuck in the door, but I have learned not to open a door that way. (leaning my arm against it to push open)

We also went to get Alex's birthday cake; without him knowing, of course :) His birthday's today and he's so excited!!

That's all for now!

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