Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Saturday's National Events!!

Such. An. Amazing. Experience.
I repeat, Such an Amazing Experience!!

Nationals was so so so much fun!!
Absolutely Awesome!

On Saturday we ran Gamblers first. We had a good opening with 30 points. 30 points, but he ran well. He got his contacts and did everything he was told :) We did not get the gamble. We had some buzzer mix ups.. 3 rings running gamblers, and yes, they do tell you what your buzzer sounds like, but when I'm running I just don't think about that. Oh well. At least, he ran well :)

Standard was next. I really liked this course. A lot. It ran fast, and I have to say it was one of our best Standards this year. One of our fastest for sure. Clean and 41.84 seconds :) I remember at the start of this year when we ran Standards in 50 seconds or more. So nice to see improvement!! Such a good feeling when we came out of the ring :) We placed 5th in this run!!

Jazz and our 5th place ribbon for Standard :)

Jumpers was our last run of the day. This run went really well. Really nice course, too. At one point it would have been faster to do a RC instead of a wrap. I walked it as both ways, and I planned to do the wrap. As I was not sure he would read the RC properly. (we have not done them at such a sharp angle before. something new to practice) But, when I was running I thought the RC would actually be better, I deceled and forgot to tell Jazz to go on and we got a refusal. I got him back over the jump, and the rest was clean :) Even though we got the refusal, I was very happy with the rest of the run. We had two nice FCs, a RC and a Serp in the rest of the run. All of which he did super :)

Such a great day! The awards after were so exciting. It was nice to cheer everyone on as they went up to the stage!
We even got a 5th in Standard!! I was so proud :)

Shannon also finished painting our chair on Saturday.. see the resemblance? ;)

Videos to be posted soon :)

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